Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Lexus X Nike - Soul of The UX Partnership

Lexus finally launched its very first compact crossover, the Lexus UX, aimed at a younger, predominantly city-dwelling audience. Knowing street culture and especially sneaker culture is huge within these groups, we decided to make a set of Nike Air Force 1 inspired tires for our city crossover.


Gaining Traction

To help promote the tires we partnered with Nike as well as huge streetwear designer John Elliot, launching it at his NYFW show. The story was picked up by a slew of influencers as well as Hypebeast, High Snobriety, GQ, Maxim and Design Milk, putting Lexus firmly into the conversation with a new type of younger audience.


A real product. Not a prop.

We partnered with award-winning, British, product design studio Tej Chauhan to help craft the tires. Together with Tej we decided to take the approach of creating something that was functional, yet undeniably beautiful. A sculptural piece that would need to make people want to touch it, just like any compelling high-end product.



Design Studio …………………………………………………… Tej Chauhan

Associate Creative Director ……………… Adam Bright

Brand Partner …………………………………………………… Nike

Brand Partner …………………………………………………… John Elliot

Media Partner …………………………………………………… IMG

Agency ……………………………………………………………………… Team One

Client ……………………………………………………………………… Lexus USA

Location ………………………………………………………………… Los Angeles, CA
